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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Marcus Pelegrimas

Whenever I find a local author especially in a genre I LOVE (horror)  I try to get a hold of their books.  

Marcus Pelegrimas is a local author here in Omaha Ne,  by his own words “Yes, he eats corn, No, he doesn’t live on a farm.(check out his page here)”   Marcus is also a member of the Nevermore Paranormal ghost hunting group.(check them out here)

I will say I was a little taken aback at the first couple of reviews I read, but I bought the book anyways. Once I started reading the 1st book, I realized that people seemed to be upset because this was not your typical Vampire, Werewolf book.  This is not a love story intertwined with a vampire book, and no sparkling Vampires.  Basically, this isn’t your mother’s or baby sister’s type of book.    If that is what you’re looking for then check out Sherrilyn Kenyon or the Twilight Series.  But if you are true diehard when it comes to horror, I implore you to check him out.

“Bram Stroker of the 21st Century “– Paul Goat Allen  

His 1st Skinners book ‘Blood Blade’ starts out by introducing you to Cole (a game developer, off onto a much need vacation on British Columbia) and Paige (a skinner).  Basically, Cole is being pursued through the woods by werewolves.  Once Cole is saved and back in the US he realizes that what he thought was imaginary or make believe is actually all true and there are “fighters” out there called Skinners.  Now Cole believes that he too can help in controlling this new world he has come to know.
From almost the beginning of this 1st book you are mesmerized and you can’t wait to see what will happen next.  These are fast paced books which left me breathless and wanting more.  So imagine my joy to discover his new book ‘Extinction Agenda’ will be out October 25th, if you are already a reader make sure to pre-order your book today on here. Also, if you want to check out the first chapter of Blood Blade; click here  If not, get over there a get his 1st book and start reading. (PS. I even provided a list for you.)   ~~~HAPPY READING~~~

·         Blood Blade
·         Howling Legion
·         Teeth of Beast
·         Vampire Uprising
·         The Breaking
·         Extinction Agenda November 2011 (add link to Amazon for pre orders.)

Extinction Agenda (Skinners)

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